BAÛBO sur Beauté Blog !-Baûbo Paris

Press review #5: Beauté Blog talks about the balms of Baûbo!

Magali Bertin, great blogger of the cult Beauté Blog from the beginning of the internets, loves The Balm and the Infinite Balm!

Press review #4: they talk about BAÛBO on Canal +! Reading Press review #5: Beauté Blog talks about the balms of Baûbo! 1 minute Next Baûbo recognized by the beauty professionals!

One of our pioneer users, Magali Bertin, great blogger of the cult Beauté Blog from the beginning of the internets, talked about THE BALM and the INFINITE BALM in her video Les 5 soins à connaître pour ne pas être à la ramasse

Here are some of our favorites Magali's comments; we can revere her courage for honest and direct critics, not without humour...

"rather impressed"

" a will for making cosmetics the cleaner possible (...) amazing"

"a pussy care"

"if you have irritations after your intercourses, you're a bit in pain... (....) if you want to calm the dick fire... Baûbo's Balm and everything is fine!" 

A warm thank you to Bertin. You made our Sunday, that day! 


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