7 podcasts pour augmenter votre excitation sexuelle

7 podcasts to increase your sexual arousal

Doesn't porn give you as much excitement as before? We found 6 perfect alternatives.

Are you looking for an original way to increase your sexual desire? Better than pornography, use audio to feel THE chills in your stomach! The podcast may be the way for you to spice up your libido alone or with a partner.
Discover our selection of 6 podcasts to make you enjoy.

1. Femtasy - @femtasy_fr

We questioned porn because it no longer excited us. We redefined eroticism because it was too stifling for us. And we founded Femtasy because it was high time for things to change. »

2. Blindher - @blindherstories

Our erotic stories are your stories , we want them to be like you, to speak to everyone, to resonate with you, to resonate in the right balance between pleasure and escape. »

3. Colette confesses - @c oletteseconfesse

Through my podcast, you will discover other daring women and men who want to dominate the world (or simply their world). I will also give you all my best advice, tips and methods to break down the barriers that separate you from the serene and crazy life that you deserve in addition to embodying the version of yourself that you want. »

4. The Sound of Desire - @lesondedesir

The Sound of Desire is an audio platform born from a useful podcast, that of a faceless virtual lover who speaks with passion and gentleness to all the women who listen to him. »

5. Melba - @melba.backup

Me lba is the voice that guides you while you make love. A sensual experience for two to explore and rediscover oneself. »

6. Owy - @owy.audio

Discover all the episodes of our inclusive and responsible audio porn platform which broadcasts an image of sexuality freed from the constraints, injunctions and judgments of society. »

7. VOXXX - @vox_xx_podcast

(Re-)discover your sexuality. Explore new topics or find what you already love. Beyond the clichés. Hard or soft. In bed or on the beach. »

Excitement initiated by the ears for pleasure at the intimate level!
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