Baûbo is proud to present the first interview with sexologist Claire Alquier , where we discuss together without taboo all the sexuality subjects that interest us... and bother us.
Chapter 1 of this sexology session like no other where we try to define this libido which sometimes makes life difficult for us.
What is libido, anyway?
We always hear about it, but how can we define it?
Claire Alquier: Libido is a catch-all term, associated with sexual desire, which itself is a term... quite broad! Let's say that it is a search for pleasure and more especially sexual pleasure, and desire.
Libido is also a flowing, mobile energy of life. It is an energy that focuses on the sexual life. Above all, it is not linear... Contrary to what we think, it is not something that we have , or that we do not have !
Can libido be worked on?
Can we strengthen a libido considered weak, for example?
The first sexual organ is the brain. The brain and body are full of resources and treasures. You must therefore first ask yourself questions rather than forcing yourself. The question of Sexual wellness is an overall issue of self-love and confidence.
What can I do to feel better, to take care of my body, of myself? It is not obligatory to ask yourself all these questions, but it is already an advantage in regaining your desire to prioritize yourself, to listen to yourself, to reconnect.
Because libido or desire is an entire system, or rather multiple systems that coexist and intersect: work, health, general morale, the seasons, natural and/or chemical hormonal variations, relationships of couples, life... In a fluctuating and multifactorial world too!
When we're feeling sluggish, we sometimes say to ourselves: Everyone else has desire, except me!
We absolutely must get rid of this misconception!
Desire is fluctuating, capricious, subject to various influences so you have to take it easy! Don't worry, because others don't do it any better, not everyone, everyone struggles more or less with this notion, at some point.
How to reconnect with your libido?
This is a question that is addressed more on a case-by-case basis… But there are also general avenues to explore. First, ask yourself a few questions: where am I in my life? What is taking up space? What makes me suffer? How can I improve my general balance? It is necessary to identify the disorder, the dysfunction, and (to) rebalance.
Following pain during intercourse, intercourse becoming painful for x or y reasons, hormonal changes… The desire diminishes. We don't want to go there anymore. And that's normal! Also, the object of desire, the partner, must adapt to our reality...
You liked it ? More in the next interview with Claire Alquier.
Don’t miss, soon on, chapter 2:
Feed your libido, our 7 ultra-concrete tips!
Caroline DUMEL
Très heureuse de vous lire. J’ai 55 ans aujourd’hui et je peux commence faire un constat sur ma vie “sexuelle”. Ce que je peux dire c’est que rien n’ai figé. Plus on prend de l’âge mieux on se connait et la découverte de soi est un chemin merveilleux.
J’ai hâte de lire la partie de l’entretien avec la sexologue Claire Alquier,
Très heureuse de vous lire. J’ai 55 ans aujourd’hui et je peux commence faire un constat sur ma vie “sexuelle”. Ce que je peux dire c’est que rien n’ai figé. Plus on prend de l’âge mieux on se connait et la découverte de soi est un chemin merveilleux.
J’ai hâte de lire la partie de l’entretien avec la sexologue Claire Alquier,