Baûbo's News

Nos conseils
Peaux sèches et atopiques : nos conseils pour un soin adapté
Saviez-vous que près de 5 % de la population française souffre de peau atopique ? Cela signifie que de nombreuses femmes luttent contre des tiraillements et des irritations au quotidien. Les types ...

Pourquoi votre vulve gratte ? Nos réponses sans filtre
Les irritations intimes sont courantes et pourtant encore taboues. Les démangeaisons de la vulve peuvent avoir plusieurs causes. Baûbo, experte en santé féminine, vous accompagne sur ce sujet d’hyg...

Baûbo Intimate Soap: much more than a classic intimate soap
Intimate hygiene is a crucial subject for the well-being of fragile vulvas and mucous membranes. With the many options on the market, it is sometimes complex to choose between two intimate cleanse...

Rules: better understand the 3 phases of the ovarian cycle
We often talk about periods and the "menstrual cycle", and a little less about the cycles that follow one another during these hormonal changes. Here's how to see things more clearly!

How to live better in harmony with your ovarian and menstrual cycle?
If our "classic" schedules do not take into account the ovarian cycle, knowing more about these phases and their symptoms allows us to adapt to these hormonal changes and thus better experience th...

Help: Why do I have intimate dryness during my period?
Intimate dryness during menstruation is a common problem. Understanding its causes allows you to better treat this imbalance, in particular with suitable moisturizing care for optimal comfort duri...

Nos conseils
Discomfort during lovemaking: Why it is not normal and how to fix it?
Do you feel discomfort during sexual intercourse? No, it's not normal, and yes, you're not alone. 99% of women have already experienced sexual discomfort. Baûbo offers you an effective & natura...

Nos conseils
Hair removal: what are pubic hairs for?
Do you think hair is just a nuisance? Think again! Hair is a true ally for our health and well-being. Protection, lubrication, temperature regulation... discover the many benefits of hair and why ...

Interview with Dr Armelle Alhéritière, andrologist and sexual health specialist
Interview with Doctor Armelle Alhéritière, general practitioner, emergency physician, andrologist, sexual health specialist , to discuss the intimate health problems that she encounters on a daily...