Les hommes sont-ils mieux que les femmes face au cancer ?

Men treated better than women when it comes to cancer?

According to the British medical journal The Lancet, “a feminist approach” to cancer would save 800,000 women per year!
Octobre rose : l'auto-papaltion en 5 étapes
Nos conseils

How to self-palpate your breasts?

It's time to check your breasts! Baûbo gives you the keys to self-palpation simply and effectively in 5 steps.
6 choses à normaliser au lit
Nos conseils

6 things to normalize in bed (part 1)

Baûbo removes the prejudices of somewhat shameful things that happen to ALL of us in bed .
7 podcasts pour augmenter votre excitation sexuelle
Nos conseils

7 podcasts to increase your sexual arousal

Doesn't porn give you as much excitement as before? We found 6 perfect alternatives.
La libido, c’est quoi exactement ? entretien avec claire alquier, photo couple main sur torse

Focus on libido: Baûbo’s sex interview

Interview with Claire Alquier, sexologist and couple therapist in Paris, to discuss the problems of libido and desire that can be encountered on a daily basis.
Lien entre hormones et sécheresses intimes
Nos conseils

Intimate dryness: tackling the problem at the source

Intimate dryness affects around 20 to 30% of women. The hydration state of the vulva can be disrupted by various external reasons, but also internal ones, such as hormonal changes.
LE guide pour prendre des bonnes sexfies
Nos conseils

THE guide to taking good sexfies

Want to take sexy photos but you don't know how to do it? Here are our best tips for taking sexfie (selfie + sexy), to send to your crush or to feel powerful!
Le secret derrière nos soins intimes efficaces
Nos conseils

The secret behind our effective intimate care

Behind the effectiveness of Baûbo 's intimate balms hides a clean , natural and organic composition , but also a meticulous choice of ingredients.
Le Baume approuvé par les pro de la Santé !

The balm approved by health professionals!

Baûbo's The Balm , gynecologically tested, is recommended as daily care by several gynecologists, sexologists, physiotherapists specialized in perineal rehabilitation...