Baûbo's News
The BIBA magazine, evokes the Gapianne platform, the first platform intended for female intimacy in France with which Baûbo has worked since its inception. Find the article where Le Baume Vulve is ...
In an interview for Causette magazine, journalist, author and podcaster Lucile Bellan offers her best advice for an " ero-tic green discovery " with a feminist Kamasutra perceived in her own way.
Nos conseils
The Balm: the ally of your menopause
40% of postmenopausal women suffer from vaginal dryness in silence. Baûbo is proud to support women at every stage of their life with its range of intimate care products.
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Soothe irritations after love, it's possible
Our gynecological study shows that 86.5% of women find The Balm of Baûbo soothing after sex.
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To hydrate dry vulvas, it's here!
Vulvar discomfort and dryness are not inevitable. With The Balm of Baûbo, it's the end of it!
Nos conseils
Why make an intimate balm?
Already felt discomfort and dryness, without ever knowing what to put on the vulva to relieve light and temporary discomfort?
To your breasts! It's World Breastfeeding Week🥛
October 18-22 is World Breastfeeding Week. Why does it exist and why does Baubo talk about it?
Nos conseils
Endometriosis, episode 3: Unrecognized symptoms
Endometriosis is a disease characterized by the development of the endometrium outside the uterus.
Nos conseils
Endometriosis, episode 2: The most common symptoms
Today, endometriosis is 15% of women in France of childbearing age. This disease causes intimate discomfort that The Vulva Balm and Q Balm have managed to soothe for many of you.