Baûbo's News
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6 things to normalize in bed (part. 2)
Baûbo removes the prejudices of somewhat shameful things that happen to ALL of us in bed .
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The risks associated with douching.
Often presented as a method to feel fresh and clean, vaginal douching is a dangerous practice for women's intimate health. Baûbo reveals the main risks of this practice.
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Things to know about sex during pregnancy
False beliefs and prejudices, a brief overview of our truths about sex during pregnancy. And for added softness during pregnancy, Vulva Balm moisturizes your intimate area in times of dryness or d...
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5 kisses that make desire rise
Want to raise the temperature but are lacking inspiration? Discover 5 foolproof kissing techniques to increase desire.
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Why do you want to bite your partner during sex?
Have you ever felt the urge to bite your partner during sex? We explain to you the different reasons for this primary impulse.
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The best routine to take care of yourself after sex
We list for you the best things to do after sex to feel at your best physically AND mentally.
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Replace traditional soap for Le Pain Intime by Baûbo
Are you used to using vanilla scented shower gel to clean your body and your private parts? Stop everything! Baûbo explains the reasons for choosing Dermatological Intimate Pain rather than trad...
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How to enjoy breasts? Our ultimate advice!
Breasts of all shapes and sizes, it's time to enjoy the joys of boobgasm. Here are our ultimate tips for effectively stimulating your breasts to have pleasure and perhaps reach seventh heaven!
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7 signs of a bad vulva in her panties 🔥
Do you feel tingling, burning sensations or intense discomfort in the vulva? We have the solution to soothe your sore and irritated vulva.